All about Science activities in my class...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Science Annual Project

Hi guys! This month is a really busy month.We are working in groups of 7 to make a miniature of a building of a country that our group get. I'm in group 4 with Jason, Theo, Qalhata, Nadeen, Michellia & Angelica and we get the country of ancient Greece. My group choose to build the Small Temple of Athena. We made it with DAS clay for the pillars and walls and styrofoam in the inside. We choose DAS clay because it is easy to mould and quickly dry. After the clay is dry, we spray it with silver-coloured aerosol spray. Mr Anjar also told us to do the Science Annual Project booklet. Altough it is tiring, I'm happy to do all this.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Math n' Science Week

In the Math and Science week, we create bio-degradable materials to something new. I'm in the same group with Stephen, Arvin and Michellia. The four of us made a bag to be exhibited in the fair. We also make a poster about greenhouse effect. It was all very fun !